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Contoh Surat Lamaran Kerja Bahasa Inggris, Lulusan Baru Merapat!

Bagi orang yang mencari kerja, menulis surat lamaran pasti akan terasa cukup menantang Apalagi jika harus menggunakan bahasa Inggris. Itulah mengapa, akan dibahas contoh surat lamaran kerja bahasa Inggris agar lebih mudah.

Dokumen satu ini memang punya fungsi penting bagi perjalanan karir seseorang. Kualitas surat lamaran tersebut akan berpengaruh pada keputusan diterima atau tidaknya seseorang di sebuah perusahaan.

Prinsip Membuat Surat Lamaran

Sebelum masuk topik contoh surat lamaran kerja bahasa Inggris, mari pahami dulu beberapa tips menulis surat penting ini. Sebenarnya prinsipnya mudah yaitu menunjukkan maksud melamar dan menginformasikan identitas diri.

Ketika menulis surat lamaran kerja, pastikan untuk selalu memakai bahasa yang formal. Selain itu, sisipkan data diri secara singkat dan jelaskan juga posisi apa yang ingin dilamar di perusahaan tersebut. Jangan lupa, lengkapi juga dengan pembuka dan penutup yang sopan.

Penting untuk diketahui bahwa penulisan surat lamaran kerja sebaiknya tidak bertele-tele. Buat secara singkat saja yang penting mudah dipahami dan memuat informasi lengkap sesuai kebutuhan surat lamaran kerja. Pastikan untuk selalu membaca ulang setelah menulis untuk memastikan tidak ada typo.

Kumpulan Contoh Surat Lamaran Kerja Bahasa Inggris

Langsung saja mari cari tahu satu per satu contoh surat lamaran kerja bahasa Inggris. Di bawah ini akan diberikan contoh-contoh yang mungkin dapat dijadikan referensi:

1. Lamaran untuk Social Media Marketing

Contoh berikut ini cocok untuk melamar pekerjaan di bagian social media marketing. Berikut adalah susunan surat yang bisa dijadikan referensi:

August 15, 2023

Head of HRD

PT Kencana Ria


With respect,

Based on the announcement I read from social media, PT Kencana Ria is opening a position for the Social Media Marketing team.

I would like to apply myself for that job position. Here below is my identity:

Name: Ardana Yoga

Gender: Male

Date of Birth: Jakarta, February 3, 1996

Education: S2 Communication

Phone: 0815151xxxxxx

I have a great ability to work in a team. Also, I have great skills in social media management. Please consider me from the curriculum vitae and a copy of the transcript that I’ve attached.

It will be a great thing if you give me an opportunity to join your company. I’m available for an interview and will give a big contribution if you give me a chance.

A bunch of thanks for your attention.

Best Regards,

Ardana Yoga.

2. Contoh Lamaran untuk Posisi Teller Bank

Jenis pekerjaan seperti ini paling sering dijumpai lowongannya di media sosial dan surat kabar. Bagaimana contoh surat lamaran yang bisa dipakai untuk melamar kerja sebagai teller bank? Berikut jawabannya:

Semarang, August 13, 2023

Mrs. Aulia

Head of Human Resource Division

Bank Karya Sejahtera

Jl. Sudirman 345

Jakarta, 12733

Dear Mrs. Aulia,

Based on the advertising that was posted on social media on August 1, 2023, I would like to apply for the Teller position. This job will suit me well and I will be able to give my best in your company.

Below is my short biography:

Name: Mira Almira

Date of Birth: Semarang, August 3, 1996

Education: D3 Management

Email: [email protected]

I have a good ability in public speaking so I will be suited well to the teller position. I also have the educational background that is suitable for the job.

For your consideration, I have also attached multiple documents such as:

  • Curriculum vitae.
  • Transcript of Latest degree.
  • Latest 3×4 photograph.
  • ID government copy.

I hope your company will have a place for me. I am really looking forward to this chance. Thank you for the opportunity.

Best Regards,

Mira Almira.

3. Surat Lamaran Kerja Bahasa Inggris Pendidikan SMA

Bagi yang pendidikannya sampai di SMA, jangan pesimistis untuk mendapatkan pekerjaan. Berikut contoh penulisan surat lamaran kerja untuk para lulusan SMA:

Jakarta, August 16, 2023

HR Social Link Restaurant

Jl. Adidaya Tengah 222


With respect,

Through this opportunity, I would like to sign based on the information of the job position in Social Link Restaurant. As mentioned in the announcement, I would like to apply as the Operational Manager.

My name is Dinda Kirana and I’ve graduated from SMK Harapan Bangsa with a management major. I’m 19 years old and ready to work in your restaurant.

I surely have all you need and am ready to give my best performance in this position. Please consider me to join as a part of your team.

With this cover letter, I’ve attached some documents for your consideration. Hope you can call me to do the interview next week.

It will be an honor if I can join your team. I have a great ability to manage a team and will suit well with your needs. Thank you so much for the chance.

Warm Regards,

Dinda Kirana.

4. Surat Lamaran Kerja untuk Melamar Posisi Akuntan

Untuk jenis posisi akuntan, surat lamaran kerjanya juga bisa ditulis dengan bahasa Inggris. Contoh surat lamaran kerja bahasa Inggris untuk melamar posisi akuntan bisa dilihat di bawah ini:

Jakarta, August 14, 2023

Attention to:

Mrs. Prili Hamdan

Resources Manager

  1. Jaya Abadi Sentosa

Jl. Gatotkaca 345

Jakarta Pusat

Dear Mrs. Prili Hamdan,

I sent this letter to apply to an Accounting Team that was published before on social media, on August 1, 2023.

My name is Yohanes Ula and I’m a newly graduated student who has the courage to try new and challenging things. My computer skills are awesome and I have a great ability to work as a team.

For your consideration, I’ve sent you my curriculum vitae and a copy of my transcript. Please consider me to be part of your team. I will give my best to work in this position.

I’m looking for a new challenge through this opportunity. It will be very good if I have a chance to go for the interview with your team. Thank you for the opportunity for me.

Sincerely yours,

Agus Ramdan.

5. Lamaran Kerja untuk Pekerjaan Freelance

Zaman sekarang pekerjaan freelance semakin banyak tersedia dan konsepnya memang sama seperti pekerjaan tetap pada umumnya. Berikut adalah surat lamaran kerja yang bisa dipakai saat melamar sebagai freelancer:

Bandung, August 6 2023

Mr. Jaya

Head of Human Resource Division

PT Kreatif Bangsa

Jl. Kucing Jaya 76


Dear Mr.Jaya,

Based on the advertisement on social media on August 1, 2023, there is a job vacancy in your company as a Freelance Graphic Designer.

I believe that I have the good qualifications you need. Here is my short profile:

Name: Perdana Kiko

Date of Birth: May, 6 September 1998

Education: S1 Graphic Design

Phone Number: 0865xxxxx

Email: [email protected]

I have completed my education program. I have a good ability to work in a team. Also, I have a good ability at time management so I will complete the deadline on time.

Please consider me to be your team. I’ve attached my curriculum vitae, portfolio, and copy of the transcript for your consideration. Thank you for your attention.

Sincerely yours,

Adi Pratama.

Silahkan sesuaikan isi surat dengan kebutuhan lamaran kerja dan pastikan penulisannya memperhatikan tata bahasa. Beragam contoh surat lamaran kerja bahasa Inggris ini cocok dipakai acuan. Namun, isi utamanya tetap harus disesuaikan dengan kebutuhan masing-masing. Dewahoki303 Dewahoki303